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Weekly Bulletin, September 11, 2022

In This Bulletin:


text reads Here I Am Lord

Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Scripture: Genesis 1-2:4

Sermon: "What a Wonderful World"

It's Homecoming Sunday! We're starting a new worship series, "Sacred Earth." Please join in worship at 10:30 am either on Zoom or in person at Katonah UMC!


Upcoming & Ongoing Events

This Week

•Prayer Circle is every Wednesday from 12-1, in the Katonah UMC sanctuary
as well as on Zoom.

•Bible Study is on Fridays from 12-1 on Zoom. On September 9 we begin studying Creation Spirituality, by Matthew Fox. (You can pick up a copy of the book at church!)

•This week's Sunday School lesson, "Separation of the Waters," will be taught by Patti Kooyman.

Save the Date

Homecoming Sunday is September 11!

After summer's journeys, come home to church! We're celebrating Homecoming Sunday on September 11. Sunday School will start up again, and the choir will be back too. And, at long last, fellowship hour is returning!

ASP BBQ on September 18!

Katonah Appalachia Service Project is having a BBQ on Sunday, September 18, from 4:30 to 7:00 pm at the Parish Hall of Katonah UMC. We encourage everyone to bring friends who may be interested in joining Katonah ASP. This will be a fun gathering with information for any potential new members as well as a great time to catch up with each other!

"'S Wonderful!: Gershwin as Songwriter"

An exploration of the songwriting talent of the great George Gershwin from his first hits through to his last. Click to Register!

The Handman String Quartet will be the first featured group in the new Spierling Family Concert Series at Katonah Presbyterian Church. This 60-75 minute concert will feature music from the classical repertory, as well as contemporary and popular short works. There will be a dessert reception afterwards. Sunday, Sept. 18, 2022 at Katonah Presbyterian Church, 31 Bedford Road, Katonah, N.Y. 4 p.m. FREE.

Blessing of the Animals

Bring your pets for a special blessing on Sunday, September 25! The service will be held on the front lawn of Katonah UMC at 10:30 am.


Giving & Service

Table of Grace

The mission of Table of Grace is to offer nourishment to anyone who is hungry physically or spiritually, or both. If you can help any Saturday to prepare and/or distribute bag lunches (using supplies that are provided by the Hudson Valley Food Bank), contact Bonnie Hyatt at We are serving bag lunches on the sidewalk outside the First UMC of Brewster until the winter months.

There's a girl named Heidi who comes to Table of Grace every week to get meals to take home to her family. Her mom is having a baby any day now! We are collecting diapers, wipes, and any other items you'd like to give. Please place your donation in the bin in the Katonah church parlor.


From Around the Cooperative Parish

Katonah & Purdys United Methodist Churches are now part of the newly-expanded Northern Westchester Cooperative Parish along with First UMC Brewster, Trinity-Boscobel UMC in Buchanan, Drew UMC in Carmel, Asbury UMC in Croton, the UMC of Mt. Kisco, Peekskill UMC, Grace UMC of Putnam Valley, the UMC of Shrub Oak, and Yorktown UMC.

All the churches got together in Shrub Oak on August 27 for a lovely picnic, and there is a lot of enthusiasm about the ministries we can do together.

This weekly bulletin will feature events happening at the other churches in our Cooperative Parish, such as a Fall Luncheon in Putnam Valley. Details on the flyer included here.


Love & Support

Prayers of the Church Family

For Young People In Need of Help and Healing:

Aiden, Danny, Ellie, Emily, Olivia, Tucker, Lucas Chapman, Sara Reino, Aryanna Smith, Stefan Spall, Evahn Wenis, Jakob Wenis

For Those In Need of Help and Healing:

Filomena, Wendy Archer, Justine Burzesi, John Corneck, Tee Cotter, Sheila de Roode, Alice Elliott, Valencia Elliott-Perry, Richard G., Kathy Gallagher, Carl Gioio & family, Yvonne Knudsen, Bob M., Gail Porter, Louis Pugh, Joe Seroka, Marja-Liisa Smith, Terry Waters, Nicole Wilson, victims of violence everywhere

For Those Fighting Cancer:

Charlie, Diane, Leah, Valerie, Doreen Bistany, Tom Conroy, Benny Custodio, Christine Dacey, Lois Demaio, Peter DiBart, Karen Eiler, Paul Harris, Janice Hollander, Carol L., April Midin, Petie Nylund, Stephen Rannekleiv, Janet Schuman, Jason Silverman

For Those Grieving:

Loved ones of Elizabeth Brown, Christine Camarra, Inez Campbell, Ruby Chapman, David Gambardella, Bruce Laemmel, Cindy Mathewson, Phil Maliniak, George Milliot

Those Homebound, In Nursing Homes and Care Facilities:

Mary Ann Albanese, Irene Burns, Bodo Fischer, Harriet Harris, Ken & Rosemary Ingersoll, Pastor Jin Kim, Lois Mold, Eleanor Murphy, Matty Oschwald, Ronald Schultzel, Mike Wenis

Birthdays in the Church Family

Erik Johnson 9/1

Karen Beaty 9/12

Charles Rohrer 9/13

Adam Burton 9/15

Laure Milliot 9/15

Paul Milliot 9/17

Shannon Chapman 9/20

Ellen Rohrer 9/23


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Support Our Growing Community

Katonah United Methodist Church

5 Bedford Road, Katonah NY 10536

Purdys United Methodist Church

106 Titicus Rd North Salem, NY 10560

Need to Contact Us?


The Purdys church building has an entrance ramp and an accessible bathroom.

The Katonah church building has a ramp as well as a doorbell. In the Katonah location, there are assistive listening devices and large print materials, as well as an accessible bathroom.

© 2025 Katonah and Purdys United Methodist Churches

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